….A Christmas gift that changes a life. Profound changes that happen over just one weekend and last forever.
Savings of $250
….A Christmas gift that changes a life. Profound changes that happen over just one weekend and last forever.
Savings of $250
Giving a gift to a first-time participant:
You can give Tantra 1 as a gift: And, rather than having to pay in full beforehand, you can pay over several months. We can figure out together what will work for your budget. (For example, 12 months is $113.00 per month/ 10 months is $135 per month. No admin fees added.)
You can give someone the Savings Coupon to use when they register: And they will get $250 off the cost of the workshop. You can simply forward this newsletter to them, the coupon is at the bottom / or connect us via email or phone. Your friend can take advantage of the Payment Plan, too.
Call (416-333-7587) or reply to this email if you have questions, and for price and payment plan options.
For Reviewers …..
Save 50% off the weekend workshop
Go into the New Year with a new and higher level of intimacy, clarity, and peace of mind. Get into the energy of tantra again. Meet new tantric friends. On the second-time around tantrikas say they get a lot more breakthroughs and power. Experience The Ritual again going deeper into bliss energy this time. (Graduates of Tantra 1 only)
Reviewers – 50% off.
A Payment Plan option is available.
If you’d like to register with the Coupon, or want more information, please fill in the contact form below.